290 research outputs found

    Some Comments on the Coding of Programs

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    This essay examines common coding practices and, on the basis that program code should be designed to avoid errors, argues for example that punctuation symbols should not be used in program code as though they were in literary text. Carrying the argument further, it is asserted that the computing profession should not talk about programming languages or about writing programs, but about coding schemes and coding programs

    Computers, Programming, and People

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    This essay argues that the complexity of professional programming is an impassable barrier to ordinary users wishing to code their own programs, suggests that popular computers would be much more useful if users could do so, and briefly describes how such popualr programming could be supported

    Why Johnny Can't Program

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    This essay examines the nature of software development and argues that two kinds of workers should be used in projects: system engineers who design the system implemented by the software and monitor its implementation, and programmers who do the actual coding and testing. The Y2K problem is used as an illustration

    The craft of programming

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    Argues that building computer programs should be made enjoyable for more people

    Binary arithmetic

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    The basic aspects of computer arithmetic are how numbers are represented and the operations performed on those representations. This tutorial article reviews in turn the basics of logical arithmetic, integer arithmetic, floating point arithmetic, and complete arithmeti

    Mitigating Microsoft with virtual consoles

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    This essay is a reaction to the Department of Justice's action in curbing Microsoft; it suggests that it would be better to whiteant rather than to bulldoze Microsoft, and that by implementing in standard hardware the underlying windowing capability that contributes so much to Window's complexity the way would be opened for competing systems to be offered

    Jobs, Trades, Skills, and the Profession

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    This essay reviews reports that the IT skills shortage is a myth and suggests that, although the shortage may well be mythical, the basic problem lies in the computing profession and industry's failure to distinguish beteen the trade of software development and the profession of systems engineering as it relates to the use of computers as a factor in the solution to problems

    In praise of professional precision

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    In professionalism as in programming, prescriptivity, particularity, perspicuity, and profundity should be paramoun

    The myth of the intelligent computer

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    This short essay is a reaction to Deep Blue's defeat of Garry Kasparov at chess, and points out the fallacy in equating intelligence to chess playing ability

    The Profession's Future Lies in Its Past

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    This essay reviews the history of data processing as being as old as civilisation, and suggests that sensitivity to that history would enable the profession to see its future more clearly
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